Permanent handicraft workshops – by arrangement

All handicraft experience workshops are carried out by prior arrangement.


The Softness of wool

Sora river pebbles

felting a soap with master craftswoman Anja Musek

Škofja Loka is home to two rivers - the Selca and Poljana Sora, which join in the town and flow onwards as the Sora river. There are numerous stories connected with the river, among them the story about the Stone Bridge, the story about the Water Man (Povodni mož), and the story by the writer Ivan Tavčar about the sentencing of Agate Schwarzkobler. The everyday lives of Škofja Loka locals has been strongly marked by the river – be it through the development of trades, heavy floods, or pleasant summer days spent at outdoor pools by the river. In this workshop you will felt soap in the shape of Sora river pebbles, which will remind you of the river which flows through our town. The soap in a wool cover can be used for washing hands, face and body and is also very effective at removing dead skin cells.

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Miraculous flowers

making brooches with master craftswoman Alja Venturini

The legend of the Heathen Maiden (Ajdovska deklica) who, with her miraculous flowers, helped a herdsmen to gain strength in the battle with a three-headed dragon which lived in a cave beneath Lubnik and stole his sheep. You will find out how the story ends whilst felting your own miraculous flowers, which give the amazing powers of creativity.

A tangle of threads

demonstration of weaving on a loom and weaving on small looms with master craftswoman Lučka Tičar

Canvas weaving was one of the main industries in the Škofja Loka area in the 15th century, as witnessed by the detail on the fresco of St. Sunday in Crngrob from 1460. Although the tradition of canvas weaving became almost extinct, today the knowledge of it, predominately with wool or cotton thread, is still alive. In this workshop you will weave on a small loom and create your own piece of cloth with a traditional pattern.

The taste of tradition

Wooden moulds in the oven

demonstration of carving moulds for small Loka honey breads and tasting session

In order to make small Loka honey breads, a special hand-carved wooden mould is required. Sometimes they were produced by various self-taught people, mostly men; today they are created by the only remaining working master of carving, Petra Plestenjak Podlogar. During her workshop you will find out everything about producing and using the moulds, as well as enjoying freshly-baked small Loka honey breads.

Baking that small bread!

baking small Loka honey breads with master craftswoman Lili Panjtar

Small Loka honey breads have been around since the beginning of the 18th century, when the practice of baking them was brought to Škofja Loka by the Clarisa nuns. Today the tradition of baking small Loka honey breads is continued by individuals who bake them according to traditional recipes. During this workshop you will make an imprint in the honey dough using a wooden mould, find out the recipe and, in addition to the one you make yourself, also get two 'real' honey breads to take home.

The Beauty of Wood

Chisel carving of mementoes

carving with master craftswoman Petra Plestenjak Podlogar

The master of carving moulds for small Loka honey breads, Petra Plestenjak Podlogar, also adorns other unique wooden products with characteristic motifs. Among them are various pendants for decorating homes or ourselves. Using chisels you will carve from pearwood and create them for yourself and for mementoes.

A lucky button

production of wooden toys with the master craftsman Samo Gašperšič

Wood is an indispensable material for the production of a wide range of handicraft products, including toys. At this handicraft workshop you will make a button on a string - an old traditional toy that will, according to folk tradition, bring you luck.
